Online Distance Learning MSc in Offsite Housing Construction


The University of Wolverhampton and MOBIE have joined forces to deliver an online distance learning MSc in Offsite Housing Construction

"The future of mass housebuilding in the UK relies on a combination of creative design with advanced and innovative building technologies. The house building industry is still stuck in the dark ages compared with other industries such as the automotive industry, the aviation industry and telecommunications.

Offsite Home Manufacturing is the only way we are going to build the number of homes we need, that are affordable and of a quality that is acceptable for future generations.

There needs to be a revolution in the industry to make that happen and I’m very proud to be at the forefront of it,”

George Clarke, Architect, TV presenter and MOBIE founder

To help promote the housing revolution the School of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Wolverhampton and MOBIE have joined forces to deliver an online distance learning MSc in Offsite Housing Construction.

Available to study 2 years’ part time or 1 year full time, application is now open for September 2021 and January 2022 starts. Study is offered 100% online and live sessions are delivered in the evenings. You can attend this course from anywhere in the world!

This innovative, practice-based course is specifically designed to address national, European and international market needs for delivering houses faster without compromising quality using innovative and modern methods of construction.

To find out more about the MSc join the Training, Skills and Innovation Masterclass at Explore Offsite Coventry, 22 September to hear from Emmanuel Itodo Daniel, PhD, MCIOB, FHEA Senior Lecturer in Construction Management. Alternatively contact Emmanuel by e-mail