MOBIE Launches #LOVEHOME Family Challenge


MOBIE have launched the #LoveHome Family Challenge – An invitation to share your perfect home!

Many of us are spending more time at home - sharing spaces and using our homes in new and different ways. Today our homes are an even more important part of the communities and the environment that surrounds us.

The #LoveHome Family Challenge invites you to share your ideas on what matters to you about your home. If you had a magic wand what would you do, what would you keep and what would you change?  

It’s a fun and collaborative activity for households of all types, wherever you live, whatever the size and shape of your current home. You can be as inventive as you like - think about a space and place that will make you feel happy and keep you safe and comfortable. Think maybe about a home that looks after you, your community and the planet.

MOBIE’s founder, George Clarke, had this to say about the launch of the challenge:

 “We all love home, and right now we are living much more of our lives at home and we are using them in new and different ways. I’m asking you and your families to think about what you love about your home and to then tell or show me, in whatever creative, crazy way you want, what your dream home of the future would look like. Young people never fail to amaze me with their imagination and talent when it comes to home so I am really looking forward to seeing and reading about the inspirational homes ideas you come up with”

He added “so get your pencils, paper, cardboard, scissors, computers, building bricks or anything else you can think of and you can easily lay your hands on and get making and creating. Show us the future of home!  We will share the best entries for everyone to see and be inspired by and there is small prize for the overall winner.  Good luck and have fun!”

The Challenge runs until the end of May. You can take as much or as little of this time as you want to create your home and bring it to life in any way you like. Draw your ideal home by hand or use computer software or games such as Minecraft, Fortnite or Sims. Make a model, use Lego, make a collage, write an article, share a story or poem – the opportunities are endless!

You can draw inspiration from our Home of 2030 programme – or think about special or different homes that you have seen on television or in magazines.

You can read the full brief at the Home of 2030 #LoveHome Family Challenge page here.

When you have finished your drawing, model or creation, simply share it on social media using the #LoveHome tag and email it to  There is a prize of £300 for the winner! 

We will share your creations on our website and via social media – Good luck and #LoveHome!